Agril. Botany

It deals with study of genes and basic concept of plant breeding for increasing crop productivity under various agro climatic conditions. Fundamental studies on crop physiology viz., photosynthesis, respiration, transpiration and absorption of plant nutrients from the soil are taught. Climate changes in relation to crop production, seed production, processing techniques and new concepts of bio-technology including tissue culture are studied.
Course Out come:
1. GPB-121 : 2+1 = 3
Course Title :Fundamentals of Genetics
Study of cell structure , mendels laws of inheritance.Understand the basic concepts of genes and their principles in crop plant breeding.
2. BOT-121 : 1+1 = 2
Course Title :Fundamentals of crop Physiology
Study the growth and development of plants. Understand the various plant metabolic processes, at different stages of plant growth which lead to development
3. GPB-232 : 1+1 = 2
Course Title Fundamentals of Plant Breeding
Learn breeding procedures in self and cross pollinated crops. Application of various population improvement programmes.
4. GPB-243 : 1+2= 3
Course Title ::Principles of Seed Technology
Studies on different classes of seed and maintenance of genetic purity, seed tags and quality seed production.
5. ELE GPB-244 : 2+1 = 3
Course Title : Commercial Plant Breeding
Utilizing heterosis explotitaion and male sterility and other methods for development of hybrids and varities
6. ELE BOT-242 : 1+2 = 3
Course Title : Micro Propogation Technology
Understand the various techniques in Plant Tissue Culture, Anther, Pollen, Protoplast Culture, Micro propagatio in various crops.
7. GPB 355 : 1+1 = 2
Course Title : Crop Improvement-I Kharif Crops
Center of orgin, distribution of species and different breeding methods to develop hybrids and varities.
8.BOT-353 : 1+0= 1
Course Title : Intellectual Property Rights
Intellectual Property and legislations covering IPR in India.
9. GPB 366 : 1+1 = 2
Course Title : Crop Improvement-II Rabi Crops
Center of orgin, distribution of species and different breeding methods to develop hybrids and varities.
10 ELE BOT 481: 0+10 = 10
Course Title : Seed Production and Technology
Studies on different classes of seed and maintenance of genetic purity, seed tags and quality seed production.
11 ELE BOT 482: 0+10 = 10
Course Title : Tissue culture and Technology
Understand the various techniques in Plant Tissue Culture, Anther, Pollen, Protoplast Culture, Micro propagation in various crops.