
In this Department package of practices of fruits, Vegetables, Flowers, Ornamental plants. Medicinal, Aromatic plants and Plantation crops as well as Spices are studied. Preparation of jam, jelly and squash. Raising of nursery, gardening, role of plant growth regulator in fruits and vegetable production. Different propagation techniques, identification of garden tools are also studied. Under Experiential Learning Programme (ELP) vegetable production module is being implemented during VIII Semester.
Course Out come :
1. HORT-111 : 2+1 = 3
Course Title :fundamentals of Horticulture
2. HORT-232 : 1+1 = 2
Course Title :Production Technology of Vegetables and Spices
Studies on different vegetables andSpices and their packages and practices.
3. HORT-243 : 1+1 = 2
Course Title :Production Technology for fruit and Plantation crops
Importance ofl and fruit Plantations crops, packages and practices of different fruit and plantation crops.
4. HORT-354 : 1+1=2
Course Title :Production Technology for Ornamental. Crop,MAP and Landscaping
knowing different types of garden ,Ornamental Crop maping
5. ELE-HORT-355 : 2+1 = 3
Course Title :Protected Cultivation Of Horticultural Crop
Experiencing growing of different horticulturalCrop
6. HORT-366 : 1+1=2
Course Title :Post-harvest Management and Value Addition of Fruit Crops
Importance of fruits and Vegetable,possible causes of post harvest lossess
7. ELE-HORT-367 : 2+1 = 3
Course Title : Land scaping
Importance, scope and principles of Land scaping,Garden styles and types
8. ELE-HORT-368 : 2+1 = 3
Course Title :Hi-tech Horticulture
Importance, scope and Introduction of Hi-tech Horticulture in India. Nursary Management and Mechanization