Plant Pathology



Different Plant Pathogens viz bacteria, fungi, viruses responsible for various field and horticulture crops diseases, their classification and identification are studied. Information on various crops and cropping system is given. Plant protection equipment’s, their use and maintenance are also studied. Mushroom production technology under ELP. Beneficial organism’s viz Rhizobia, Azatobactor, PSB, VAM etc. are also studied.

Course Out come :

1. MIBO-111 :  1+1 = 2

      Course Title : Introductory Microbiology

      Studies on harmful and beneficial activities of different microorganisms and their preparation through different culture media.

2. PATH-121 : 2+1 = 3

       Course Title : Fundamentals of Plant Pathology

        Introduction to Plant diseases ,scope ,objectives and history of plant pathology. casues and classification of plant diseases

3. PATH-232 : 1+1 = 2

       Course Title : Principles of Integrated Diseases management

       IPM,Economic Importance of diseases ,Methods of detection, diagnosis and control of diseases . Measurment of losses             casues due to diseases

4.ELE- PATH-243 : 2+1 = 3

        Course Title : Biofertilizers, Bio- control agents and bio-pesticides 

        Imp.of  Biofertilizers, Bio- control agents and bio-pesticides ,History classification of Biofertilizers, Micro-organism.Used               in Biofertilizers production

5. PATH-354: 2+1=3

        Course Title : Diseases of  Field and Horticultural crops and their management-I

        Various Causes, symptoms, identification and management of horticultural crop disease.

6. PATH-365: 2+1=3

        Course Title : Diseases of  Field and Horticultural crops and their management-II

        Various Causes, symptoms, identification and management of horticultural crop disease.

7.ELM PATH-486: 0+10=10

      Course Title : Mushroom cultivation Technologies

       Experience on the cultivation and Production of Mushroom

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